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Resultados 1-10 de 85.
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230301 Manifold analysis of the P-wave changes induced by pulmonary vein.pdf.jpgfeb-2023Manifold analysis of the P-wave changes induced by pulmonary vein isolation during cryoballoon procedure
Martinez-Mateu, Laura; Melgarejo Meseguer, Francisco Manuel; Muñoz-Romero, Sergio; Gimeno Blanes, Francisco Javier; García-Alberola, Arcadi; Ventura, Sara; Saiz, Javier; Rojo-Álvarez, José Luis
Numerical Sound .pdf.jpg2023Numerical sound prediction model to study tyre impact noise
Campello Vicente, Héctor; Campillo Davo, Nuria; Peral Orts, Ramón; Fabra Rodríguez, Miguel; Abellan Lopez, David
Low-dose sodium valproate in the prophylaxis of migraine.pdf.jpgdic-1994Low-Dose Sodium Valproate in the Prophylaxis of Migraine
Coria, Francisco; Perez-Sempere, Angel; Duarte, Jacinto; Clavería, Luis E.; Cabezas, Carmen; Bayón, Carmen
6. 2018_JOURNALLIGHTWAVETEC_Q1.pdf.jpg22-mar-2018Fast Incoherent OFDR Interrogation of FBG Arrays Using Sparse Radio Frequency Responses
Clement Bellido, Juan; Hervás Peralta, Javier; Madrigal Madrigal, Javier; Maestre, Haroldo; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Fernandez-Pousa, Carlos; Sales Maicas, Salvador
5. 2020_IEEEMTT_Q2.pdf.jpg21-jun-2020Design and Fabrication of a Band-Pass Filter With EBG Single-Ridge Waveguide Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques
García Martínez, Héctor; Ávila Navarro, Ernesto; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Delmonte, Nicolò; Silvestri, Lorenzo; Marconi, Stefania; Alaimo, Gianluca; Auricchio, Ferdinando; Bozzi, Maurizio
4. 2020_AEUE_Q2.pdf.jpg17-jun-2020Multilayered additive-manufactured half-wavelength coupled line filters
García Martínez, Héctor; Ávila Navarro, Ernesto; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Bronchalo, Enrique; Blanco Angulo, Carolina; Bozzi, Maurizio
3_Self-powered 380V DC SiC solid-state Circuit Breaker and Fault Current limiter.pdf.jpgoct-2019Self-Powered 380 V DC SiC Solid-State Circuit Breaker and Fault Current Limiter
Marroquí, David; Blanes, José Manuel; Garrigós, Ausias; Gutiérrez Mazón, roberto
1_System-on-chip for Real-time Satellite photovoltaic curves telemetry.pdf.jpgmar-2018System-on-Chip for Real-Time Satellite Photovoltaic Curves Telemetry
Gutiérrez Mazón, roberto; Blanes, Jose M.; Marroquí, David; Garrigós, Ausias; Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier
2_Interleaved, switched-inductor,multiphase, multi-device DC_DC boost converter for non isolated and high conversion ratiofuel cell applications.pdf.jpg2019Interleaved, switched-inductor, multi-phase, multi-device DC/DC boost converter for nonisolated and high conversion ratio fuel cell applicationsGarrigós, Ausias; Marroquí, David; Rojas García, Alma Rosa
Hipogonadismo, disfunción eréctil y disfunción endotelial en varones con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana.pdf.jpg2009Hipogonadismo, disfunción eréctil y disfunción endotelial en varones con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humanaMoreno-Pérez, Oscar; Picó Alfonso, Antonio Miguel; Portilla, Joaquín