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Resultados 1-10 de 83.
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Organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, sensorial and other fruit.pdf.jpgmar-2018Organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, sensorial and other fruit characteristics of nine traditional Spanish Citrus fruits
Asencio, Antonia Dolores; Serrano, María; García Martínez, Santiago; Pretel, María T.
Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by N.pdf.jpgmar-2022Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault
Llopis, Paula; García‑Abad, Laura; Pretel Pretel, María Teresa; Montero, María Adriana; MANUEL, JORDAN; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
Effects of drought and water pulses (1).pdf.jpgjul-2019Effects of drought and water pulses on microbial functionality and the role of Cyanoprokaryota in the rhizospheres of gypsophytesDIAZ PEREIRA, ELVIRA; Marín Sanleandro, Pura; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
3-Fresquet corrles plosone 2017.pdf.jpg13-sep-2017Metabolic engineering to simultaneously activate anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways in Nicotiana spp
Fresquet-Corrales, Sandra; Roque, Edelín; SarrioÂn-Perdigones, Alejandro; Rochina, Maricruz; López-Gresa, María P.; Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Bellés, José M.; Tomás-Barberán, Francisco; Beltrán, José P.; Cañas, Luis A.
16 - MOrant et al. Env Imp.pdf.jpg27-oct-2023Fine-scale collision risk mapping and validation with long-term mortality data reveal current and future wind energy development impact on sensitive species
Morant, Jon; Arrondo, Eneko; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Donázar, José Antonio; Margalida, Antoni; Carrete, Martina; Blanco, Guillermo; Guil, Francisco; Serrano Lozano, David; Pérez-García, Juan Manuel
J Sci Food Agric - 2017 - Martínez‐Esplá - Preharvest treatments with salicylates enhance nutrient and antioxidant.pdf.jpg21-nov-2017Preharvest treatments with salicylates enhance nutrient and antioxidant compounds in plum at harvest and after storage
Martínez Esplá, Alejandra; Zapata, Pedro J; Valero, Daniel; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Serrano Mula, María
7-Diaz mula et al 2009SCI-B- FSTI-2009-15-535-543 cherry on-tree (1).pdf.jpgfeb-2010Sensory, Nutritive and Functional Properties of Sweet Cherry as Affected by Cultivar and Ripening Stage
Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Castillo, Salvador; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Valero, Daniel; Zapata, Pedro J; Guillén, Fabián; Serrano, María
5-díaz-mula-et-al-2019-pomegranate-fruit-and-juice-(cv-mollar)-rich-in-ellagitannins-and-anthocyanins-also-provide-a.pdf.jpg15-feb-2019Pomegranate Fruit and Juice (cv. Mollar), Rich in Ellagitannins and Anthocyanins, Also Provide a Significant Content of a Wide Range of ProanthocyanidinsDiaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Tomás-Barberán, Francisco A.; García-Villalba, Rocío
1-gimenez et al 2015-sci hort197.pdf.jpg4-nov-2015Methyl salicylate treatments of sweet cherry trees improve fruit quality at harvest and during storage
Giménez, M.J.; Valverde, J.M.; Valero, Daniel; Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Zapata, P.J.; Serrano, M.; Moral, J.; Castillo, S.
11 - pérez-garcía-et-al-2022-priority-areas-for-conservation.pdf.jpg25-jul-2022Priority areas for conservation alone are not a good proxy for predicting the impact of renewable energy expansion
Pérez-García, Juan Manuel; Morant , Jon; Arrondo, Eneko; Sebastián-González, Esther; LAMBERTUCCI, SERGIO; Santangeli, Andrea; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Blanco, Guillermo; Donázar, José Antonio; Carrete, Martina; Serrano, David