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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
6-2019-GlobalAttractorsWeakSolutionsOfTheThreeDimensionalNavierStokesEquationsDamping.pdf.jpg2019Global attractors for weak solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with damping.Giménez, Ángel; Valero, José; Pardo, Daniel
2. Origins of the Domain Name.pdf.jpg25-abr-2019Origins of the Domain Name SystemMartinez Bonastre, Oscar; Veà, Andreu
1-s2.0-S016752731834230X-main.pdf.jpg15-mar-2019Screening based on risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm in the cardiology clinic
Izquierdo González, Ricardo; Dorrego García, Ramón María; Rodriguez Ledo, Pilar; Segura-Heras, José Vicente
Periodic UMH.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019Existence of periodic solutions for a scalar differential equation modelling optical conveyor beltsCarretero, Luis; Valero, Jose
5-2020-GeneralizedTcpRedDynamicalModelForInternetCongestionControl.pdf.jpg2019Generalized TCP-RED dynamical model for Internet congestion control
Giménez, Ángel; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar; Valero, José; Duran, Gullem
2018-BifurcationAnalysisForTheInternetCongestion.pdf.jpg2019Bifurcation analysis for the Internet congestions
Duran Ballester, Guillem; Valero, José; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Giménez, Ángel; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar