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01_sensors-18-03107-v2 (1).pdf.jpgsep-2018Source Coding Options to Improve HEVC Video Streaming in Vehicular Networks
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Perez Malumbres, Manuel; Piñol, Pablo; López Granado, Otoniel Mario
Sub6GHzAssistedmmWaveMACV2X_IEEECommMag_CollGozalvezGruteser_AuthorPostPrint.pdf.jpg15-feb-2019Sub-6GHz Assisted MAC for Millimeter Wave Vehicular CommunicationsColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier; Gruteser, Marco
Support of Teleoperated Driving with 5G Networks.pdf.jpg2023Support of Teleoperated Driving with 5G Networks
Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Coll-Perales, Baldomero; M. I., Khan; Avedisov, S.; Altintas, Ozcan; Gozalvez, J.; Sepulcre, Miguel