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210101 Computer versus cardiologist_ Is a machine learning.pdf.jpgsep-2020Computer versus cardiologist: Is a machine learning algorithm able to outperform an expert in diagnosing a phospholamban p.Arg14del mutation on the electrocardiogram?
Bleijendaal, Hidde; Melgarejo Meseguer, Francisco Manuel; Gimeno Blanes, Francisco Javier; Gimeno Blanes, Juan; Pinto, Yigal M.; Marquering, Henk; Zwinderman, Aeilko H
Configured Grant Scheduling for the Support of TSN Traffic in 5G and Beyond Industrial Networks.pdf.jpg2023Configured Grant Scheduling for the Support of TSN Traffic in 5G and Beyond Industrial Networks
Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Larrañaga, Ana; Gozalvez, Javier; Martínez, I.
5-PIMRC2016_Content- and Context-Aware Opportunistic_IEEECopyright.pdf.jpg22-dic-2016Content- and Context-Aware Opportunistic Cellular Communications in Device-Centric Wireless NetworksColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier
5-Context-Aware Heterogeneus....pdf.jpg23-feb-2018Context-Aware Heterogeneous V2X Communications for Connected VehiclesSepulcre, Miguel; Gozalvez, Javier
4-electronics-08-00840-v2 (1).pdf.jpg26-jul-2019Context-Aware Mode Selection for 5G Multi-Hop Cellular NetworksLucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier; Sepulcre, Miguel
16-Context-Aware Opportunistic....pdf.jpg16-sep-2015Context-Aware Opportunistic Networking in Multi-Hop Cellular NetworksColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier; Friderikos, Vasilis
2-BroadcastAckReliabilityV2XMessages_CollPeralesThandavarayanSepulcreGozalvez_UMH_vf.hBtXh.pdf.jpg24-nov-2020Context-based Broadcast Acknowledgement for Enhanced Reliability of Cooperative V2X Messages
Coll Perales, Baldomero; Thandavarayan, Gokulnath; Sepulcre, Miguel; Gozalvez, Javier
13-Contextual Optimization of .....pdf.jpg2-abr-2016Contextual optimization of location-based routing protocols for multi-hop cellular networks using mobile relaysColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier
Gokulnath_Thandavarayan.pdf.jpg26-may-2023Cooperative Perception for Connected and Automated Vehicles using V2X CommunicationsThandavarayan, Gokulnath
Cooperative_Perception_for_Connected_and_Automated_Vehicles_Evaluation_and_Impact_of_Congestion_Control.pdf.jpg30-oct-2020Cooperative Perception for Connected and Automated Vehicles: Evaluation and Impact of Congestion ControlThandavarayan, Gokulnath; Sepulcre, Miguel; Gozalvez, Javier
1-electronics-07-00335.pdf.jpg15-nov-2018Coordination of Congestion and Awareness Control in Vehicular NetworksSepulcre, Miguel; Gozalvez, Javier
230309 Cybersecurity_Alert_Prioritization_in_a_Critical_High_Power_Grid_With_Latent_Spaces.pdf.jpg14-mar-2023Cybersecurity Alert Prioritization in a Critical High Power Grid With Latent Spaces
Feijoo, Juan Ramón; Guerrero-Curieses, Alicia; Gimeno Blanes, Francisco Javier; Castro Fernández, Mario Fernando; Rojo-Álvarez, José Luis
TFG-Navarro Martínez, Yeray.pdf.jpg9-sep-2022Desarrollo de sensor de concentración de glucosa basado en resonadores de microondasNavarro Martínez, Yeray
TFG-Bravo Carrión, Cristina Nohemi.pdf.jpgsep-2023Desarrollo de un geoservice sobre Nodo Edge 5G para entornos de conducción autónoma conectadaBravo Carrión, Cristina Nohemi
TFG- Mañogil Torregrosa, Alejandro.pdf.jpgdic-2023Desarrollo de un sistema de detección y aviso de fatiga físicaMañogil Torregrosa, Alejandro
TFG-Saura Benimeli, Ángel.pdf.jpgdic-2022Desarrollo de una herramienta software para la evaluación del comportamiento de la polarización en cavidades láserSaura Benimeli, Ángel
Verdú García, Francisco Javier.pdf.jpg5-jul-2021Desarrollo y evaluación de un sistema electrónico wearable de medición de la actividad electrodérmica de la pielVerdú García, Francisco Javier
5. 2020_IEEEMTT_Q2.pdf.jpg21-jun-2020Design and Fabrication of a Band-Pass Filter With EBG Single-Ridge Waveguide Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques
García Martínez, Héctor; Ávila Navarro, Ernesto; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Delmonte, Nicolò; Silvestri, Lorenzo; Marconi, Stefania; Alaimo, Gianluca; Auricchio, Ferdinando; Bozzi, Maurizio
E1_Design and Implementation of an efficent hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder.pdf.jpg26-feb-2016Design and implementation of an efficient hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder
Alcocer Espinosa, Estefanía Fátima; Gutiérrez Mazón, roberto; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Perez Malumbres, Manuel
San_Blas_UMH.pdf.jpg2015Design of Compensated Multiport Waveguide Junctions considering Mechanization E ects
San Blas, Angel A.; Boria, Vicente E.; Gimeno, Benito; Cogollos, S.